Bullying is a horrible social issue that often haunts its victims for years, or even their entire life. Facing bullying, innocent children are always the most vulnerable ones and hence their teachers and parents must be aware of what’s happening to their kids to deal with the problem timely.
The little boy in this video is a lucky lad when his family absolutely loves and cares about him a lot. He is bullied by his schoolmates, and his parents think a cute four-legged friend could help him ease the pain and find the zest for life.
The video starts when he gets home after school as usual and is informed that his nana has just brought him a gift. The boy is curious, but when his dad tells him to take off his coat first, he still does it patiently. Anybody could see from his smile and his reaction that he’s such a sweet and careful boy.

Afterwards, the little boy quickly notices a paper box put on the floor. After being allowed, he rushes forward to open it in an instant. And what’s waiting for him inside is an adorable surprise.
“Whoaaa! A puppy!” The boy yells, and then repeats emotionally: “A puppy…”

He wants to pet his new pal, but he doesn’t forget to thank his nana for the amazing gift first.

After a warm hug, he is overwhelmed with joy and bursts into tears while holding the black pup.
“Don’t cry, it’s your buddy,” his nana says, and then later he names the dog “Buddy”.

“Is he everything you want?” His mom asks, and he replies without hesitation: “Yeah.” Obviously these great parents do understand their kid’s emotional needs.

The boy later introduces his dog proudly as “Buddy the dog” to every member of his family, and then he introduces mommy, daddy and nana to Buddy too. As for himself, the boy says he is Buddy’s “bestest friend now”.
Watch the heart-warming moment here:
This is such a grateful and loving kid! Hopefully the bullying would be stopped soon and he could be able to enjoy a peaceful student life at school. We don’t know much about that part, but one thing we do know is this lad and his new friend are going to have plenty of happy moments together!
Please share this touching video with your friends and family!