Puppies Fell into a Pit with a Cobra. Then Something Incredible Happened

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We often hear amazing stories about the animal world, and the more dangerous an animal is, the more incredible the story often turns out to be.

At Abousino , we never cease to be amazed at how sensitive and responsive all kinds of creatures can be.

This particular story took place in the Indian state of Punjab. Two small puppies accidentally fell into a well. The pit was very deep, and they couldn’t get out on their own. Their owner soon noticed that they were missing, later hearing their mother’s loud, incessant barking.

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The man looked down the well and had the fright of his life. A king cobra was sitting next to the two puppies! Amazingly however, the snake didn’t threaten them in any way. On the contrary, it seemed to be protecting them from the dangerous sides of the well, which were saturated with water. In the end, the puppies spent a total of 48 hours in the pit. When help finally arrived from the authorities, the cobra crawled to the other side of the well out of the way. The puppies were not injured at all, whilst the snake was taken to the woods and released.

This story proves once again that even the most dangerous creatures on Earth know what it means to help another being when it’s in danger.

Brave Doberman kills 4 cobras to save eight of master’s family, dies

خدمات الأعمال Business Services	سندات الكفالة Bail Bonds كازينو Casino محامي Lawyer الغاز الكهرباء Gas Electricity إدارة الأصول Asset Management تأمين Insurance الخدمات النقدية وقروض يوم الدفع Cash Services  Payday Loans تنظيف وترميم الخدمات Cleanup Restoration Services	 درجة علمية Degree الرهن العقاري Mortgage النائب Attorney خدمات الترميز الطبي Medical Coding Services اعادة تأهيل Rehab الدعوى Claim القروض Loans نفسي Psychic مشاركة الوقت Timeshare دعوة المؤتمر Conference Call النقاهة Recovery HVAC برمجيات الأعمال Business Software الاحتياجات الطبية Medical Needs القروض Loans سباكة Plumber  النمل الأبيض Termites مكافحة الآفات Pest Control العلاج Treatment القروض العقارية Mortgages	الائتمان Credit البرمجيات Software الصف المدرسي Classes التداول Trading الاستضافة Hosting الخدمات المصرفية Banking	زراعة الشعر Hair Transplant جوجل ادوورد Google AdWords	شركات التكنولوجيا السحابية cloud technology companies	دم الحبل السري Cord Blood التدريب على تكنولوجيا المعلومات information technology training	 التقنيات المرئية visible technologies التأمين على التكنولوجيا technology insurance دورات تكنولوجيا المعلومات information technology courses	 أمن تكنولوجيا المعلومات information technology security درجات التكنولوجيا technology degrees التكنولوجيا الافتراضية virtual technology  إدارة تكنولوجيا المعلومات information technology management	 الماجستير في إدارة تكنولوجيا المعلومات masters in information technology management

BHUBANESWAR: A dog has sacrified his life to save eight members of his master’s family. The male dog belonging to the Doberman species fought a bloody battle with four mountain cobras for hours and killed all of them. Minutes after he emerged victorious, the dog died due to the poisonous effects of repeated stings by the snakes.

According to reports, the mountain snakes late on Monday night tried to sneak into the house of Dibakar Raita of Sebekapur village under Raygada block of Gajapati district, nearly 400 km from here.

The dog which was guarding the house at the entrance hindered them which led to a fierce fight among them. Blood could be seen spilling onto the patio as the pet animal and snakes brawled.

خدمات الأعمال Business Services	سندات الكفالة Bail Bonds كازينو Casino محامي Lawyer الغاز الكهرباء Gas Electricity إدارة الأصول Asset Management تأمين Insurance الخدمات النقدية وقروض يوم الدفع Cash Services  Payday Loans تنظيف وترميم الخدمات Cleanup Restoration Services	 درجة علمية Degree الرهن العقاري Mortgage النائب Attorney خدمات الترميز الطبي Medical Coding Services اعادة تأهيل Rehab الدعوى Claim القروض Loans نفسي Psychic مشاركة الوقت Timeshare دعوة المؤتمر Conference Call النقاهة Recovery HVAC برمجيات الأعمال Business Software الاحتياجات الطبية Medical Needs القروض Loans سباكة Plumber  النمل الأبيض Termites مكافحة الآفات Pest Control العلاج Treatment القروض العقارية Mortgages	الائتمان Credit البرمجيات Software الصف المدرسي Classes التداول Trading الاستضافة Hosting الخدمات المصرفية Banking	زراعة الشعر Hair Transplant جوجل ادوورد Google AdWords	شركات التكنولوجيا السحابية cloud technology companies	دم الحبل السري Cord Blood التدريب على تكنولوجيا المعلومات information technology training	 التقنيات المرئية visible technologies التأمين على التكنولوجيا technology insurance دورات تكنولوجيا المعلومات information technology courses	 أمن تكنولوجيا المعلومات information technology security درجات التكنولوجيا technology degrees التكنولوجيا الافتراضية virtual technology  إدارة تكنولوجيا المعلومات information technology management	 الماجستير في إدارة تكنولوجيا المعلومات masters in information technology management

Dibakar had brought the Doberman a few months ago. “I’m shocked. He has made the supreme sacrifice for me and my family. I will remember him till our death. I pray God – May his soul rest in peace,” said an emotionally overpowered Dibakar.

Hundreds of people of nearby areas rushed to the village as the news spread. The villagers laid floral wreaths on the body of the slain dog and held a funeral procession before burying it.

Located on a foothill and surrounded by shrubs, Sebakpur village often experiences wild animals and reptiles from the local hills sneaking into residential houses and animal sheds.

Pet dog dies saving owner from snake bite

خدمات الأعمال Business Services	سندات الكفالة Bail Bonds كازينو Casino محامي Lawyer الغاز الكهرباء Gas Electricity إدارة الأصول Asset Management تأمين Insurance الخدمات النقدية وقروض يوم الدفع Cash Services  Payday Loans تنظيف وترميم الخدمات Cleanup Restoration Services	 درجة علمية Degree الرهن العقاري Mortgage النائب Attorney خدمات الترميز الطبي Medical Coding Services اعادة تأهيل Rehab الدعوى Claim القروض Loans نفسي Psychic مشاركة الوقت Timeshare دعوة المؤتمر Conference Call النقاهة Recovery HVAC برمجيات الأعمال Business Software الاحتياجات الطبية Medical Needs القروض Loans سباكة Plumber  النمل الأبيض Termites مكافحة الآفات Pest Control العلاج Treatment القروض العقارية Mortgages	الائتمان Credit البرمجيات Software الصف المدرسي Classes التداول Trading الاستضافة Hosting الخدمات المصرفية Banking	زراعة الشعر Hair Transplant جوجل ادوورد Google AdWords	شركات التكنولوجيا السحابية cloud technology companies	دم الحبل السري Cord Blood التدريب على تكنولوجيا المعلومات information technology training	 التقنيات المرئية visible technologies التأمين على التكنولوجيا technology insurance دورات تكنولوجيا المعلومات information technology courses	 أمن تكنولوجيا المعلومات information technology security درجات التكنولوجيا technology degrees التكنولوجيا الافتراضية virtual technology  إدارة تكنولوجيا المعلومات information technology management	 الماجستير في إدارة تكنولوجيا المعلومات masters in information technology management

Proving that a dog is indeed man’s best friend, a pet dog saved his owner from a cobra bite by sacrificing his own life.

Mr Achepalli Kishore, a registered medical practitioner, lives with his family in Brahmalakunta Colony in Kallur in Khammam district with their pet dog Snoopy, a Pomeranian. While Mr Kishore was asleep in his room, a wheat coloured cobra entered the room and Snoopy instantly reacted to it.

The dog tried to catch the snake without disturbing Mr Kishore’s sleep. The cobra hid in a steel box, but Snoopy dragged it out and tried to hold on to it.

خدمات الأعمال Business Services	سندات الكفالة Bail Bonds كازينو Casino محامي Lawyer الغاز الكهرباء Gas Electricity إدارة الأصول Asset Management تأمين Insurance الخدمات النقدية وقروض يوم الدفع Cash Services  Payday Loans تنظيف وترميم الخدمات Cleanup Restoration Services	 درجة علمية Degree الرهن العقاري Mortgage النائب Attorney خدمات الترميز الطبي Medical Coding Services اعادة تأهيل Rehab الدعوى Claim القروض Loans نفسي Psychic مشاركة الوقت Timeshare دعوة المؤتمر Conference Call النقاهة Recovery HVAC برمجيات الأعمال Business Software الاحتياجات الطبية Medical Needs القروض Loans سباكة Plumber  النمل الأبيض Termites مكافحة الآفات Pest Control العلاج Treatment القروض العقارية Mortgages	الائتمان Credit البرمجيات Software الصف المدرسي Classes التداول Trading الاستضافة Hosting الخدمات المصرفية Banking	زراعة الشعر Hair Transplant جوجل ادوورد Google AdWords	شركات التكنولوجيا السحابية cloud technology companies	دم الحبل السري Cord Blood التدريب على تكنولوجيا المعلومات information technology training	 التقنيات المرئية visible technologies التأمين على التكنولوجيا technology insurance دورات تكنولوجيا المعلومات information technology courses	 أمن تكنولوجيا المعلومات information technology security درجات التكنولوجيا technology degrees التكنولوجيا الافتراضية virtual technology  إدارة تكنولوجيا المعلومات information technology management	 الماجستير في إدارة تكنولوجيا المعلومات masters in information technology management

Mr Kishore woke up from the noise and saw the cobra and Snoopy fighting. He tried to kill the snake, which turned on him. Sensing the danger to Mr Kishore, Snoopy leapt up and caught the cobra but got bitten by it.

The cobra was killed by others in the house and Snoopy was rushed to a veterinary hospital but died on the way.

A sorrowful Kishore said, “My dog saved my life by sacrificing his life. He dived into the air like a warrior onto the cobra and caught it in the middle of it. It is a sad incident in my life.”

People who heard about the incident visited Kishore’s house to see the dog and Mr Kishore would explain how the animal fought to save him. Mr Kishore’s daughter Sravya, who was crying said, “Snoopy used to wake us up in the morning. Who will do that duty from tomorrow? And he saved my dad from a cobra bite.”

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